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Community Funding Grants

The Council supports various groups and projects around the Borough through Community Funding Grants. This page provides details of the grants that have been awarded.

All grants are coordinated and awarded by the Leisure and Community Department and must be used within two years of the award.

The Council uses the name of applying organisations for referencing, rather than using a reference or registration number.

Types of grant

Three types of grant are awarded by the Council.

  1. Requests under £5,000 are approved by the Executive Member for Leisure and Community.
  2. Requests over £5,000 are known as matched funding and will only part fund the project.  Any remaining funds required must be supplied by the applying organisation either through existing funds or fundraising.  If the request is below £15,000 it is approved by the Executive Member for Leisure and Community.  If it is over £15,000 the awards are approved by a meeting of the Executive.'

  3. Requests to the Youth Activities Fund are approved by the Executive Member for Leisure and Community.  These awards are to support the provision of open access activities for young people and are considered every March. 

Grants awarded

The table below provides details of the grants awarded in 2023/24 to local organisations.

Organisation Project Amount Granted Date Awarded
Sarisbury and District Community Association   Replacement entrance doors £4,500.00 08/08/2023
Fareham Town Youth Football Club Vehicle prevention works  £3,400.00 14/09/2023
Lockswood Community Association  Refurbishment of sports hall floor £4,999.00 15/11/2023
Dementia Care Hub Start-up Costs £4,894.42 13/12/2023
Portchester Sailing Club Replacement safety boat £4,250.00 13/12/2023

Youth Activities Fund (funding for 2023-24)

Titchfield Community Association Oasis Youth Centre £2,000.00 16/03/2023
Y Services Fareham North-West Youth Club £3,510.64


How to apply

The page linked here provides details on how to apply for a Community Funding.

The page linked here provides details on the criteria for the Youth Activities Fund PDF (65 KB).


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