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What's On

Clubs and Societies in Fareham

Details of clubs and societies within the Borough of Fareham

Events in and around the Fareham Area

To add your event to the What's On list please complete the What's On Event Submission Form.

February Events

Other things to do in Fareham

Walking for health
Fareham Leisure Centre
Fareham in Bloom
Play Rangers
Fareham Library

Places of interest

If you're looking for more you can always visit one of Fareham's many attractions. Please visit our What's here page to see a list of interesting places and attractions in Fareham.

Other ways to publicise your event (Community Notice Boards)

If you have an event you would like to publicise, Fareham Borough Council manages 43 community notice boards across the Borough which are used to display community information. The public can use the boards free of charge to promote events taking place in the Borough of Fareham organised by voluntary organisations, community groups and other 'not for profit' organisations serving the needs of the community.

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