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Sarisbury Green conservation area

Sarisbury Green conservation area was designated in 1994. It lies on the edge of the Hamble Valley and includes the village green and the mix of older buildings that face onto it. Despite the loss of the agricultural land that formerly surrounded it, the strong character of a village green remains. The conservation area also includes land east of Barnes Lane and north of Bridge Road.


Fareham Borough Council has made an Article 4 Direction relating to Sarisbury Green Conservation Area making a planning application necessary for certain types of development.

Area Improvements (completed 2002)

The brief for the environmental improvement scheme was based on recommendations for enhancement set out in our 1998 conservation area character assessment for Sarisbury Green and included removal of inappropriate street furniture and conifer trees, strengthening visual links between the main Green and smaller green north of Bridge Road, replacing inappropriate fencing with railings and improving surface materials, street furniture and tree planting. The scheme was presented at two public consultations. At the first in 1999 the main concern was that removing the large conifers would open up views of traffic from the Green and remove the protection they provided in reducing the number of cricket balls landing in the main road. This was addressed in amended proposals, shown at a public exhibition in 2001.

Before                                                       After

Sarisbury beforeSarisbury after

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