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Housing Development at Welborne

The first three planning applications to build homes at Welborne Garden Village were submitted in Summer 2023. These Reserved Matters Applications are from three regional housebuilders, CG Fry & Son (P/23/1028/RM), Thakeham (P/23/1075/RM) and Pye Homes (P/23/1074/RM), which are each working with Welborne's Master Developer, Buckland Development Ltd. 

A total of 623 homes have been applied for in Dashwood and Chesterfield.

Site-wide Housing Strategy

This strategy sets out how the residential development at Welborne will be provided. It contains information about how the market and affordable housing will be delivered and the proposed phasing of the development.  It provides an indication of how many houses will be developed in each Neighbourhood, including tenure type and mix; the number and distribution of custom and self-build plots, lifetime homes; specialist accommodation for older people, wheelchair adapted homes and Passivhaus standard (or equivalent) homes. It also includes provisions to ensure that the affordable housing units will be provided across the development to create a mixed and balanced community and how they will be indistinguishable from private residential units in terms of layout, garden size, external appearance, parking provision and quality of materials. 

The Site-wide Housing Strategy has been approved by the Local Planning Authority (P/17/0266/DP/M).


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