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FTC8 - Lysses Car Park


I'm very concerned about the plans for housing on Lysses car park Firstly as I've mentioned before, I thought the council wanted to attract more people to Fareham because as it stands its very outdated and really nothing major here to entice people to come to Fareham rather than Southampton and now Whiteley. If the council were to make Fareham a more attractive place to come with newer shops and restaurants Hotels etc, Where would everyone park? You only have to look at Whiteley to see that they have been a victim of their own success as trying to park there now at peak times is a nightmare and I know for a fact puts people off going and it's not just the shoppers who need parking but also all the employees of the shops etc. This would mean more people using the High Street to park as you allow them 40 minutes free and then after 1800 anyone can park there free, this is great IF YOU DONT LIVE on the high street and can't find a space to park especially when you have paid for a parking permit and you come home from work and then have to find somewhere else to park. its bad enough that the houses opposite have to park on our side, I don't understand why they can't have permits for their side too. I would also like to know if you would keep the alleyway up from Lysses car park to the high street as this can get noisy sometimes and we have had people who just hang around here up to all sorts, this would get ten times worse if you have loads of houses on the carpark. I would like someone to reply to all my concerns, please.



As a resident of the High Street I have first hand experience of the lack of parking for residents in this area, so to develop this site would cause further problems for local businesses and residents who rely on annual permits to park in the Lysses car park. This car park is well used and during the day always busy.



This car is a very important car park for people who work in Fareham. It is not under utilised as stared in your brochure between normal office hours. I have photos to prove it !! The impact on closing this car park or making it smaller will have massive impacts. Firstly business will not locate in Fareham if there is no park for their staff, some business could potentially move. The impact on the roads people who have park in civic way and Osborn road car parks which would bring more traffic into the heart of Fareham. Lysses has the advantage of being near the motorway and easier accessible. Also it has many mature trees. If Fareham goes a head with knocking down Osborn road car park I am not sure where you would expect people to park! Again it will bring traffic right into the heart of the town. And you will loses businesses locating in Fareham. Totally object to this development.



I refer to the section of the plan dealing with the proposals for building in Lysses car park. This seem to be predicated on the basis that that is an underused facility. [redacted], I have observed many occasions when the top three layers are full and there is overspill right to the bottom. This is the nearest car park to the centre of town where reasonably priced all day parking is available and it seems that its popularity can only increase when the building works commence for housing, etc off the A32 to the north of the town. It would appear counter-intuitive to reduce this sort of parking just when demand is likely to increase and when attracting people to visit the town and spend time there would seem desirable. In the absence of such facilities, people will go elsewhere and Fareham town centre suffer as a result. The upper tiers are popular because they are closest to the town centre and easiest to use for those who find walking difficult. The pull up from the bottom layer to the town centre is definitely forbidding to the elderly and persons who, while experiencing some difficulties with mobility, do not qualify for a blue badge. Suppressing these parking spots would lead to the Council gaining reputation for not caring about the less able members of the community it represents. It would seem that access to the proposed housing would be via Wallington Way and egress via East Street. This raises several issues. First, in order for large vehicles to access the properties for deliveries, maintenance and other reasons, the barriers in place to stop access by travellers will have to be removed. Having experienced the problems caused when travellers have settled on the car park and adjacent land in the past, my wife and I do not wish to see anything done that would make it easier for them to abuse these facilities. I am convinced that most other residents in the area would agree. Secondly, for several periods each, the traffic in East Street seeking to approach the Delme Arms roundabout is at a virual standstill, decanting yet more vehicles on to this inadequate road system will cause not only increased delays but an increase in the likelihood of accidents as people become frustrated and take risks. Thirdly, the last time there was severe flooding predicted for Wallingtron, all the vehicles from the Council Depot in Broadcut were moved to the top two tiers of Lysses car park until the floodwater had subsided. I am also concerned that the modest allocation originally proposed has been increased to 24 homes with no explanation of why this alteration is deemed appropriate. This part of the draft plan, taken in conjunction with the proposed changes to other parking areas, seems to be storing up problems for a future when many more vehicles will require access and parking for Fareham town centre.



This is probably the least loved of the existing town centre car parks, probably because it cannot be accessed by road from the High Street. Limited and sympathetic development to add 24 dwellings in this area could be accommodated. It will depend on the quality of any planning application.



The removal of car parking spaces from the Lysess I believe will be damaging to Local Business whose staff use the parking spaces , And with out such parking it would be difficult to maintain an office in the centre ( High Street) of Fareham. This would further change the current mix of residential , office and residential properties within the High Street area and remove valuable and high paid workers from the town centre shops , cafes and restaurants. My experience is that the Lysess car park is very well utilised , the scale of the development would remove a substantial proportion of parking this is particularly the case as the development would require further land to support the roads that which would allow the development to have access to the road network and parking for the residents of the development. I would further make representations that all developments in the town centre area have adequate parking , as someone who operates a business in Fareham High Street we have a significant problem of illegal parking from developments that were previously undertaken without adequate parking. Clearly a very high proportion of residents will have cars as they may well work outside the Fareham Town Centre area.



With regard to the Outline Pan For Future Development Of Fareham East we should like to make the following points:- 1. We have lived in Fareham for over thirty years and have watched with growing alarm the expansion of housing across many green field areas. 2. With the proposed garden city of Welbourne north of this ward it is high time that the principles of garden cities were applied to Fareham itself. 3. A consideration of the environmental impact of the planned housing development should run parallel to the provision of open spaces, parks, public playing areas and "greening" of the landscape, for all ages to enjoy. Any future development should not be to the detriment of the existing urban area but sympathetic to it, 4. Lysses Car Park is far from underused during the working week and even used by a considerable number of shoppers on Saturdays and Sundays. It is also used by many dog walkers and pedestrians on their way to and from Wallington and the Portchester Road estates. 5. The riverside location of Lysses Car Park and the scrub land to the east of it provides a barrier to the pollution caused by high volume of traffic using the dual carriage way. It further provides a haven for the wide variety of wildlife, including some rare birds. 6. Towns need open spaces available within walking distance of housing and with an ageing population, these areas must be easily accessible 7. The middle layer of Lysses Car Par. despite attempts at remedial work on the drains, still floods during heavy rain. 8. Any housing development on the site of Lysses car park would be detrimental to the Conservation Area. 9. At Present Circa 40,000 premature deaths occur in the U.K. as a result of pollution. The prevailing wind in Fareham is south westerly and it brings with it pollution from industries lying to the south west, Fawley and shipping using the Solent to name but two. Dense population development contributes intensely to pollution 10. There has been talk of "Solent City" since the 1950's. No development of an urban area stretching from Southampton to Portsmouth should be considered with out the provision of the "lungs" of green areas at regular intervals to protect and improve the town environment and combat the increasing problem of pollution in all its forms



I wanted to comment more generally on the whole of Fareham town centre plans - so I 'll guess I'll just copy and paste this for each section?. What a good idea - to use this lovely space for more than parking. Broadly I think the plans for the town centre are good - there is less need for shops than the number of shops existing, and there is more need for suitable housing close to station and bus station. It would be good to see plans to reduce Fareham's car dependency - so making these sites suitable for people who choose not to have a car, (but to have a car share available for the limited times they need it) would make great sense in this area. Higher density housing - more specifically flats with lifts suitable for the rising number of older people (especially widows and widowers) - some of whom are/will become virtually house bound, when they can no longer drive - due to limited public transport availability, (higher density would be possible if car parking was not required).



This site is well used now. The idea of the top two levels being turned into housing won't help the visitors to Fareham Town, particularly if they are invalids, elderly or having walking difficulties. It is a big hill to climb and not very practical. Far too many flats in Fareham, they are only 'so many' required and with all the proposed extra housing in the town centre it will become over crowded and kill the town centre shopping area.



Large Format Response - Ref0043



Southern Water is the statutory wastewater undertaker in Fareham Town Centre. Development Allocation FTC8 allocates 24 dwellings at Lysses Car Park. In line with paragraph 162 of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and the National Planning Practice Guidance (NPPG), we have undertaken an assessment of our infrastructure and its ability to meet the forecast demand for the proposed development. That assessment reveals that additional local sewerage infrastructure would be required to accommodate the proposed development (involving making a connection to the network at the nearest point of adequate capacity). Southern Water has limited powers to prevent connections to the sewerage network, even when capacity is insufficient. Planning policies and planning conditions, therefore, play an important role in securing the necessary local sewerage infrastructure in parallel with the development. Specific policy provision would be in line with the NPPF. For instance, paragraph 157 of the NPPF states that Local Plans should 'plan positively for the development and infrastructure required in the area to meet the objectives, principles and policies of this framework'. Also paragraph 177 of the NPPF outlines that it is important to ensure that planned infrastructure is deliverable in a timely fashion. Accordingly, infrastructure and development policies should be planned at the same time in the Local Plan. Insufficient capacity is not a constraint to development as extra capacity can be provided. However, it is important to give early warning to prospective developers regarding the need for local sewerage infrastructure. Early warning will facilitate delivery of the necessary infrastructure as it can be incorporated early in the planning process. If the requisite infrastructure is not delivered, the sewers would become overloaded, leading to pollution of the environment. This situation would be contrary to paragraph 109 of the NPPF, which requires the planning system to prevent new and existing development from contributing to pollution. Our assessment also reveals that there is existing underground wastewater infrastructure that needs to be taken into account when designing the proposed development. An easement width of 6 metres would be required, which may affect the site layout or require diversion. This easement should be clear of all proposed buildings and substantial tree planting. Accordingly we propose that the following criteria are added to policy FTC8 (new text underlined): Planning permission will be granted provided that detailed proposals accord with the policies in the Local Plan and meet the following site specific requirements: [...] j) Provide a connection at the nearest point of adequate capacity in the sewerage network, in collaboration with the service provider. k) Provide future access to the existing underground wastewater infrastructure for maintenance and upsizing purposes.



Dear Sirs, I am writing to lodge my objection to "the draft Fareham Local Plan 2036" and the suggestion for 24 houses to be built within the area now used known as Lysees car park. Over the last few years the traffic congestion during peak times has grown considerably, specifically around the Wallington, East street/ Delme roundabout area. The main cause of this growth seems to align with the expansion of the Cam Business Park/Gold course, but also seems to be added to be locatls trying to esape the Gosport/Segensworth traffic by taking to the back roads. This will only be exacerbated by the Welborne Development. [redacted]. The proposed Lyssees development plus the Wykeham House Development will add considerably to the congestion as they will both merge at critical points of East street.[redacted]. My main objection to the 24 houses in Lyssees Car Park are as follows: - The location of the proposed houses will overlook our house and our neighbours, which directly backs onto the proposed development, especially as these houses plan to be built on the elevated park of the car park. - The area has historically been deemed a conservation area and the development will back onto buildings of historic interest of Fareham. - Over the years we have had numerous issues with noise, security, travellers and car nuisance which have been reported to both the policy and yourselves, building houses with limited access through this car park will not improve these issues. - The added pressure [redacted]on the traffic situation around East Street and Delme Roundabout. - A concern that an attractive area of Fareham is beginning to be scarred by housing developments and the areas is changing from being residential with character to high density housing and commmerical. - Lessons should be learnt from Whiteley and the impact the traffic has had on the area. - Finally, with the introduction of Welborne and the expansion of Whiteley, Fareham is in danger of becoming a satellite town where its residents commute from and do not use or spend money or time in.



I object to any proposal to erect buildings on this site which encompasses the medieval burgage plots that are intrinsic to the character of the Conservation Area, having avoided the encroachment seen in other locations. Despite the presence of cars, the view from the east is sylvan in nature providing a 'soft' edge to the frontage properties and is recognised by the Council as being important. Development of 24 dwellings on this land would have a deleterious impact on the High Street Conservation Area and destroy the special character it contributes to adjacent areas. The proposal is also at variance with the Councils' adopted conservation policies.



With regard to the Outline Pan For Future Development Of Fareham East we should like to make the following points:- 1. We have lived in Fareham for over thirty years and have watched with growing alarm the expansion of housing across many green field areas. 2. With the proposed garden city of Welbourne north of this ward it is high time that the principles of garden cities were applied to Fareham itself. 3. A consideration of the environmental impact of the planned housing development should run parallel to the provision of open spaces, parks, public playing areas and "greening" of the landscape, for all ages to enjoy. Any future development should not be to the detriment of the existing urban area but sympathetic to it, 4. Lysses Car Park is far from underused during the working week and even used by a considerable number of shoppers on Saturdays and Sundays. It is also used by many dog walkers and pedestrians on their way to and from Wallington and the Portchester Road estates. 5. The riverside location of Lysses Car Park and the scrub land to the east of it provides a barrier to the pollution caused by high volume of traffic using the dual carriage way. It further provides a haven for the wide variety of wildlife, including some rare birds. 6. Towns need open spaces available within walking distance of housing and with an ageing population, these areas must be easily accessible 7. The middle layer of Lysses Car Par. despite attempts at remedial work on the drains, still floods during heavy rain. 8. Any housing development on the site of Lysses car park would be detrimental to the Conservation Area. 9. At Present Circa 40,000 premature deaths occur in the U.K. as a result of pollution. The prevailing wind in Fareham is south westerly and it brings with it pollution from industries lying to the south west, Fawley and shipping using the Solent to name but two. Dense population development contributes intensely to pollution 10. There has been talk of "Solent City" since the 1950's. No development of an urban area stretching from Southampton to Portsmouth should be considered with out the provision of the "lungs" of green areas at regular intervals to protect and improve the town environment and combat the increasing problem of pollution in all its forms

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