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Making a deputuation to the Executive

Fareham Borough Council has adopted a Deputation Scheme for all of its meetings which form the Council's Committee Structure. The scheme allows anyone with a vested interested in the Council, e.g. living, working, studying or the owner of property or a business in the Borough to speak on a specific topic which, in the case of a meeting of the Executive, must relate to an item for discussion on the agenda for that meeting. This page outlines the guidelines and rules for speaking at a meeting of the Executive.

Information about Executive Meetings

Executive meetings are held 11 times a year and usually take place in the Collingwood Room. Executive meetings are attended by the 6 Members of the Executive including the Executive Leader who Chairs the meeting. Further details about our Executive meetings and a full list of meeting dates can be found at Executive Meeting.

How to apply to make a deputation

You must formally apply to us in writing to submit a request to make a deputation.  This must happen regardless of whether you wish to speak in person, or submit a written deputation. 

If you are requesting to make a written deputation, please do not submit your written deputation at this stage.  You will be contacted to confirm your request has been accepted, and at that point, advised further. 

To lodge your request to make a deputation, this can be done via email, by post, completing a form at the Civic Offices or by completing this online form: Deputation Request.

We require the deputation request only to be submitted to Democratic Services by noon 3 working days before the meeting. For example, if the meeting is to be held on a Wednesday afternoon, your application to make a deputation must be received by noon on Friday the week before.

Please note that we will not be able to accept any submitted written deputations unless you have made a deputation request first, and this has been confirmed.

If you would like to speak at an Executive meeting, we ask that you abide by a few ground rules:

We ask that anyone making a deputation respects these rules and conducts themselves in an appropriate manner. Our meetings are held in public and our officers must ensure that meetings proceed in a fair and just way for the benefit of everyone in attendance.

The rules of our deputation scheme are bound by the Council's Constitution, which can be found by following this link: Deputation Scheme PDF (524 KB).

The Council's Committee Officers are available to discuss any aspect of the deputation process. We understand how potentially daunting giving a deputation can be, so we are here to help. If you have any queries or require any further clarification, then please call our Democratic Services Team on 01329 824581 or email

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