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Property Portfolio

The Asset Management Section provides a comprehensive estates service to ensure that the Council's property portfolio is maintained in a satisfactory condition and to ensure that maximum revenue is achieved.

Investment Property Portfolio

The management of this portfolio includes the letting of property, rent reviews, lease renewals, general management and advice and asset valuations.

Non Commercial Property Portfolio


Regeneration Properties Portfolio


Operational Property Portfolio

In order to provide its services to the public the Council operate from the Civic Offices and the Depot at Wallington. The Asset Management Department manages budgets to ensure that the buildings remain fit for purpose. They ensure they are accessible and create the right environment for the delivery of Council services and facilities provided for Councillors.

Individual planned, phased and funded programme of works have been established to maintain the life of the assets and to ensure that they comply with health and safety legislation.


If you would like any further information on the above topics please contact the Asset Management Department by e-mailing



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