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Important Information:

SCAM - 'Repairs at Fareham' phone call

We've been alerted to an incident where a resident was contacted by a company claiming to be working on behalf of Fareham Borough Council as ‘Repairs at Fareham’, asking if the person needed any repairs.
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Graffiti is the term used to describe drawings, patterns, scribbles and messages which are painted, written or carved on walls, street furniture, shop fronts, public buildings and other surfaces. To some people it may be considered art but to others it is a nuisance and can be distressing. It is a form of vandalism and neighbourhood crime. It can also be difficult to remove without specialised equipment.

What can the Council do about graffiti?

If there is sufficient evidence, we can prosecute people under the Criminal Damages Act 1971. The Anti Social Behaviour Act allows us to issue penalty notices of £50 against those responsible for graffiti.

What can I do?

If you see anyone committing vandalism, you should report it to the police, Council, school authorities or someone who can take action. Remember, vandalism is a crime.

Graffiti prevention tips for businesses and freeholders

Ongoing upkeep

Control access

Step up security

Further Information

Further information can be found on the following websites:

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