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SCAM - Parking fine text message

We've been alerted to residents receiving text messages claiming that they need to pay a parking fine. This is a scam.
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Empty homes

Although the number of empty properties in the Borough is below the national average, there are a small number that can present an ongoing challenge. We encourage use of empty homes to meet housing need within the Borough. 

How is the Council helping return empty homes to use?

The Council has produced an Empty Homes Strategy 2023 PDF (501 KB) to tackle empty homes in the borough.  The objectives of this strategy are:

To encourage owners of empty homes to bring their properties back into use.
To appropriately and proportionately use Council resources to address problematic empty homes.

How does it work?

If you are the owner of empty property and are not sure how to bring it back into use, please contact us for advice. We do not charge for this service, and you have no obligation to take any of the options discussed.

What options are available?

Options for bringing property back into use include:

If you own an empty home, and the above is too daunting, or the property requires too much work, then please get in touch on the email below so that we can explain other options that may be available.

Empty home to report?

The Council will already be aware of most empty homes in the Borough. Properties can be empty for several reasons, and the Empty Homes Strategy gives more detail around this. For more problematic empty homes, the strategy explains the types of measures and actions that the Council could consider, along with when this might be appropriate.

Contact us

If you have any queries about a property you believe to be long term empty in Fareham Borough, then you can contact the Council at:


Telephone: (01329) 263100

Please note that email is the preferred method of communication as this will then allow Officers to understand what communication or involvement the Council may have already had about a particular property. As this can often involve multiple Council departments, we are likely to need to investigate this further before being able to provide an initial response.

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