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Street Parties for the Royal Wedding

The Royal Wedding on 29th April 2011 is now rapidly approaching and Fareham Borough Council is keen to help members of the public share in the party atmosphere.

With this in mind there will be some relaxation of the normal procedures for street closures. However with safety in mind, organisers of any events for this occasion are reminded that in most cases some level of traffic movement is still likely to be necessary, and an awareness of the normal guidelines should still be observed.

There will be some relaxation in insurance requirements for these events. Further details are provided with the application form and conditions for Street Parties on the Public Highway Requiring a Road Closure (115 Kb) PDF Logo 

In summary, if the event affects local residents only, then insurance will not be required, although it is still strongly recommended to provide cover for any accidental damage. This waiver only applies where the road is not a through road and where the event is supported by at least 85% of residents. In all other cases insurance will still be required.

Your guide to organising a street party or fete  External Hyperlink(this is an external hyperlink) can be found on the Communities and Local Government website.

The deadline for any requests requiring temporary road closure for the Royal Wedding Street Parties has now passed.

Frequently asked questions about any proposed closures for street parties can be found within the form and its accompanying notes.  For further information contact 01329 236100 or email

Use of Open Spaces

The Council has also relaxed its requirements in relation to hire charges and insurance requirements should residents wish to use their local open space for street parties. No hire charges will be applied or public liability insurance required when using open space to celebrate the royal wedding. (However, organisers may wish to consider opting for insurance to protect their interests).

If you would like to hold a street party on your local open space (which doesn't require a road closure) please fill out this application for a small community event form (48 Kb) PDF Logo to advise the Council of your event plans for the Royal Wedding.

The form should either be emailed to or sent to the Streetscene Division, Department of Community and Streetscene, Civic Offices, Civic Way, Fareham. PO16 7AZ

For further information contact 010329 236100 or email

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