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Important Information:

SCAM - 'Repairs at Fareham' phone call

We've been alerted to an incident where a resident was contacted by a company claiming to be working on behalf of Fareham Borough Council as ‘Repairs at Fareham’, asking if the person needed any repairs.
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Community Trigger

About the Community Trigger

The Community Trigger empowers members of the public to ask Fareham's Community Safety Partnership to review their responses to incidents of anti-social behaviour.

The Community Trigger has been designed to make sure that we work together to try resolving your complaint of anti-social behaviour.

How will we do this?

We'll talk about the problem, share information and act together to try and resolve the complaint.

The Community Trigger is only to be used if you believe that there has been a failure to respond to your complaint.

The Community Trigger won't replace organisations' own complaints procedures, and you'd still have the opportunity to complain to the Ombudsman or Independent Police Complaints Commission if you are unhappy with the outcome

How can I use the Community Trigger?

If you (as an individual) have complained to Fareham Borough Council, Hampshire Constabulary and/or a Registered Housing Provider (social landlord) and/or Fareham & Gosport Clinical Commissioning Group three times about separate incidents in the last six months


If five individuals in the local community have complained separately to Fareham Borough Council, Hampshire Constabulary and/or a Registered Housing Provider (social landlord) and/or Fareham and Gosport Clinical Commissioning Group in the last six months about similar incidents of anti-social behaviour and all of them think that no action has been taken.

Fareham Community Safety Partnership

Annual Report on Community Trigger 1 April 2020 - 31 March 2021


You can email

If you do not have access to an email, please telephone 01329 824496 or write to the Community Safety Team, Fareham Borough Council, Civic Way, Fareham PO16 7AZ.

You will need to provide details of each time you've complained, who you've complained to (name, organisation and/or Incident Reference Number) and information about the anti-social behaviour.

If you have an on-going complaint that is being dealt with, your case is not appropriate for the Community Trigger.

We will endeavour to deal with your complaint within 20 working days, however more complex cases may take longer. We will keep you updated with progress of your complaint.

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