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Latest scams and fraud alerts

Find details below of the latest scams and fraud alerts that have been reported to us. If you become aware of a scam that is not listed here, contact us on 01329 236100.


Please be aware that the Council has been informed that a local authority and a school have been victims of fraudsters intercepting cheques made payable for charity donations. In one example the fraudsters intercepted the cheques, changed the payee details and the amount payable. For more information please refer to the following fraud alert:

Other notable scams to be aware of: 

Please be aware that the Council has been informed of Fareham residents receiving a phone call with an automated message impersonating the Council's Responsive Repair team stating that their property requires outstanding repairs. Please note that the Council will never cold call residents asking about outstanding repairs. If you receive such a call please report it to either the Council on 01329 236100 or Action Fraud.

Please be aware that the Council has been informed of Fareham residents receiving parking ticket scam text messages asking them to pay fictitious fines. If you receive such a text message please report it to either the Council on 01329 236100 or Action Fraud External Hyperlink - Opens in new tab.

Fraud alerts:

Receiving scam emails or texts

If you have received a suspicious email:

If you have received a suspicious text:

Victim of fraud

If you think you have personally been a victim of fraud then this should be reported to Action Fraud External Hyperlink - Opens in new tab.

If the Fraud involves use of your credit card,  then this should be reported to the card provider / bank in the first instance, who should then report it to Action Fraud External Hyperlink - Opens in new tab.

If the fraud involves a company operating in our local area then please contact:

Hampshire County Council Trading Standards External Hyperlink - Opens in new tab on 01962 833620 or email

If you are approached by someone purporting to be an employee of Fareham Borough Council we can check this out for you. Please contact our fraud hotline on 01329 824667 or email us at



Luxury advent calendars

Consumers are being asked to be aware of fake advertisements for advent calendars on social media. The scam adverts purport to be selling calendars by significant brands at a fraction of the price. Find out more here External Hyperlink - Opens in new tab.  

Winter Subsidy Benefit Scam

Please be aware that the Council has been notified of a Winter Subsidy Benefit scam email that is making its way around local residents.

The scam email advises residents to apply for a winter subsidy benefit plan via a link in the email, however the link takes residents to a payment screen asking for a £1.00 payment to commence the process.

If you have received a similar email, please do not click on the link and please contact the Council as soon as possible. 

Scam QR Codes

The Council has seen a spike in the number of scam QR codes being posted on pay and display machines. To help residents stay one step ahead of fraudsters, please see examples of scam QR codes being posted around Fareham:

If you are unsure of the QR code or its validity, please use the app instead. 


Fraud Alerts

Fareham Borough Council works with organisations that specialize in the prevention and detection of fraud. Any recent alerts of fraud that the Council receives from such organisations which are pertinent to Fareham residents can be found below:

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