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Important Information:

SCAM - 'Repairs at Fareham' phone call

We've been alerted to an incident where a resident was contacted by a company claiming to be working on behalf of Fareham Borough Council as ‘Repairs at Fareham’, asking if the person needed any repairs.
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How Decisions Are Made

Notice of Key Decisions

Major decisions about policy, involving a high level of expenditure or affecting large sectors of the community are known as key decisions. We give notice of them for the next 28 days in a notice of key decisions published monthly. It is issued by Executive Leader to meet his statutory duties. A key decision is an Executive decision likely to:

The notice of key decisions tells you:

Sometimes urgent decisions have to be made which cannot be included in the notice of key decisions. When this happens we follow special procedures. You can see the Notice of Key Decisions or at the Civic Offices.

Decisions by the Executive

The Executive meets 11 times a year to makes decisions. You can see when, along with agendas and minutes of the Executive online or at the Civic Offices. You may attend meetings and apply to make a deputation if you wish to give councillors your point of view before they make a decision. You can see more at deputations. After a decision has been made, details will be published on this website and placed in the Civic Offices. It will include reasons for the decision and what (if any) options were considered. Sometimes a report presented to the Executive will contain confidential information which cannot be made public. However, you will be able to see what decision was made and why.

Decisions by Committees

All Council committees have scheduled meetings throughout the year. You can see when, along with agendas and minutes on this website or at the Civic Offices. You may attend meetings of committees and apply to make a deputation if you wish to give councillors your point of view before they make a decision. You can see more at deputations. Sometimes a committee report will contain confidential information which cannot be made public but you will be able to see what decision was made and why.

Overview and Scrutiny

Under our system of overview and scrutiny, the Council's six Scrutiny Panels look at decisions made by the Executive to see if they have been made in the right way and if they are the right ones for the Borough. The Panels cannot change a decision, but can ask the Executive to reconsider it. The Scrutiny Panels also review and develop policy and examine the way services are provided. We publish dates of meetings of the Scrutiny Panels, as well as agendas and minutes here a week or so before a meeting. You may attend meetings of the Scrutiny Panels and if you wish you may apply to make a deputation to put your point of view to councillors. For more information, see deputations. Minutes of the Scrutiny Panels meetings are published online and are available at the Civic Offices. Sometimes a report presented to a Panel will contain confidential information which cannot be made public but you will be able to see what decision was made and why.

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