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Win a £50 shopping voucher 

July 2024

Welcome to the latest edition of Fareham Borough Council's E-panel.
It's a great way to get involved with Council consultations and it gives residents a chance to have their say.



Let's Talk Tenant Engagement 

In response to the Social Housing (Regulation) Act 2023 and the new Consumer Standards, Fareham Housing have produced a new Draft Tenant Engagement Strategy.

This document sets out our approach to improving how we listen to and work with our tenants.

View the Tenant Engagement Strategy here 


Are you a Council Tenant?

Would you like to have your say on our approach to improving tenant engagement?


Complete this survey External Hyperlink and let us know what you think, and you could be in with a chance to win a £50 'One4All' voucher! 


The consultation will run until 20 August





Let's Talk Anti-Social Behaviour in Fareham 

Fareham Borough Council has launched a public consultation to give residents the opportunity to have their say on a new Draft Anti-Social Behaviour Policy.

The Council takes dealing with anti-social behaviour very seriously and aims to tackle reports promptly and before it escalates.


This draft policy outlines new processes and procedures for dealing with anti-social behaviour in the Borough.

You can view the draft policy on our website here.


How should we respond to Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB)?


Complete this survey External Hyperlink to tell us what you think of the Council's proposals on how we deal with anti-social behaviour.


The Consultation will run until 19 August 





Fareham Community Showcase


Come and join us at Fareham's Community Showcase Event on Saturday 20 July

We will be pitching up our tent once more to talk about all things Fareham, so why not come along and get involved.

There will be...


- crafts & colouring for the kids

- conversation for the Adults


and... even something for the families furry companion!




Your Feedback

Let's Talk Fareham Park Play Area

The Council has received funding to improve the community and leisure facilities in the Fareham North West area, now called Fareham Park.

As part of phase one of the project, we asked for your help to decide what play equipment could be installed at the new play area and what other recreational facilities you would prefer.


Here is what you had to say...



Thank you to all of you who have had your say and helped to guide us in our plans to date.


We've  listened to your views on what the new play area should include and have ensured our preferred play area design has reflected your feedback. 

This will be installed on Fareham Park Recreation Ground at the end of this year. 


Keep your eyes peeled for futher updates on this exciting project!




 Last chance to have your say!


There is still time to have your say on your polling station. 

As a local authority we are required to review our polling stations every 5 years. This is to ensure that all electors continue to have access to reasonable facilities to vote in person during an Election.

Following the recent General Election we would like you to tell us about where you voted. 

You can find out where your polling station is here. 


How accessible is your polling station?

Is there anything that could be improved?


Tell us what you think by completing this short survey. External Hyperlink


You can complete this survey up until 26 July 2024




The Hampshire Water Transfer and Water Recycling Project  

Southern Water are running a consultation to seek feedback from residents regarding the latest proposals for the Hampshire Water Transfer and Water Recycling Project.


You can find out more about the project and take part in the survey here External Hyperlink 


The Consultation will run until 23 July 2024




Let's Talk Fareham Facebook Group

Join the Let's Talk Fareham Facebook Group to stay up to date with the latest Consultations and Events.

Have your say by taking part in discussions, fun quizzes, online polls and competitions! 

Join now  External Hyperlink





Image of finger pointing at graph with text "Get feedback from past consultations"


For any queries please message the consultation team:


Fareham Climate Change Toolkits

The Council has put together some information packs for our ResidentsCommunity Groups and Businesses to help them on their carbon reduction journeys.

We have tried to include information for everyone. So, it doesn't matter if you're just starting out or already a climate change champion we hope there are some useful tips for everyone.




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