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SCAM - 'Repairs at Fareham' phone call

We've been alerted to an incident where a resident was contacted by a company claiming to be working on behalf of Fareham Borough Council as ‘Repairs at Fareham’, asking if the person needed any repairs.
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Keep Fareham safe this Easter Weekend

9 April 2020

Keep Fareham safe this Easter Weekend by following Government Guidance

Fareham residents are urged to keep following Government guidance on containing the Coronavirus pandemic this Easter weekend by staying home and only venturing out for exercise, food shopping or essential journeys.

With recent sunny weather expected to continue for much of the weekend residents have been urged to resist the temptation to venture out for any reason other than those permitted under the guidance.

The Government guidance is:

Councillor Simon Martin, Executive Member for Streetscene, said: “Fareham residents have generally been good at sticking to the Government guidance and keeping Fareham safe and I would like to thank them for that.
“But I would urge them to maintain that through this weekend and beyond for as long as we are dealing with this crisis. 
“If people are going out for exercise then that must be on foot from their home - please do not drive to locations for your exercise or dog walk.
“While you are exercising you must keep moving and ensure you maintain a two metre separation from anyone else you encounter. You must not sit on the beach, head out for a picnic or a barbecue, or sit for a while on a park bench.
“Parents please be aware of where your teenage children are and urge them to follow the guidance which applies to them as much as anyone else.
“We have kept our open spaces accessible but have now had to put temporary fencing around skate parks where groups of young people have continued to congregate, putting themselves and others at risk.

“We would all prefer not to have these restrictions in place, but if we follow the guidance now we will beat this virus more quickly and the restrictions will be lifted that much sooner for everyone. More importantly, we will keep more people safe from contracting this virus.”


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