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SCAM - 'Repairs at Fareham' phone call

We've been alerted to an incident where a resident was contacted by a company claiming to be working on behalf of Fareham Borough Council as ‘Repairs at Fareham’, asking if the person needed any repairs.
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Press Release

28 January 2021

Visit Fareham’s outdoor spaces to aid mental health and wellbeing

There is increasing evidence to suggest that getting outdoors for daily exercise, including walking, is hugely beneficial for both physical and mental health. That is why Fareham Borough Council is encouraging residents to make good use of their daily exercise time to enjoy the outdoors in their area.

Fareham has a diverse range of outdoor spaces to enjoy - from beautiful beaches and coastline, to countryside and woodland areas, as well as gardens and open spaces, so there is much in the local region which residents can appreciate during lockdown.

The News Portsmouth has put together the nine best walking routes and beauty spots in the Fareham region which can be found here:

It is important, however, to stress that residents must continue to adhere to lockdown rules and only exercise in a public outdoor place alone, with the people from their household or support bubble, or with one person from a different household.

Executive Member for Health and Public Protection, Cllr Trevor Cartwright, said: “We are very lucky to live in such a beautiful and varied region and I strongly encourage people to wrap up warm and get outside to enjoy their daily exercise.

“It is easy to get caught up with work, childcare or other commitments and not partake in daily outdoor activity, especially during these difficult times. However, this is incredibly important to maintaining good mental health and wellbeing. Just remember to be respectful of others and stay two metres apart from anyone not in your household.”

You can find details of Fareham’s outdoor spaces, as well as lots of other information and advice, on the Fareham Borough Council website:

For expert advice and practical tips to help you look after your mental health and wellbeing, go to the NHS Every Mind Matters website:


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