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Important Information:

SCAM - 'Repairs at Fareham' phone call

We've been alerted to an incident where a resident was contacted by a company claiming to be working on behalf of Fareham Borough Council as ‘Repairs at Fareham’, asking if the person needed any repairs.
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Electronic Search Service

We are able to receive and respond to search enquiries electronically, speeding up the process even more. We offer our own system at no additional cost, in addition to e-mail and the electronic services offered by other providers.

If you will be submitting searches regularly to us, we can set up an account for you and send you a link where you can submit your searches directly to our system. Alternatively, if you would prefer to pay for each search as you go or will only occasionally submit searches to us, we can send you a link to our system which allows you pay by debit or credit card.

If you are interested in any of these services or have any questions, please e-mail or telephone the Land Charges Offices on 01329 824499

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