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Options consultation July 2012

As part of the work on the Welborne Plan, first-stage masterplanning (also known as 'concept masterplanning') has been undertaken to identify options for the broad location of uses on the site, including homes, employment areas, schools and open spaces. This work was supplemented by the preliminary green infrastructure strategy and a study of the opportunities for providing and using water and energy in a sustainable way. Broad transport options were also prepared to accompany each of the masterplanning options. This was not intended to be a detailed layout or to 'fix in place' any of the land uses, but to provide a basis to select a single option.

Options were set out in this options consultation document PDF (19 MB) and in a special edition of Fareham Today PDF (593 KB) which was distributed in June 2012. A series of public exhibitions were held in communities surrounding the proposed new community during July 2012, where people could look at and comment on the masterplanning options. The consultation ran for four weeks between 2 July and 31 July 2012. A summary report of the results of the options consultation PDF (530 KB) has been produced which briefly:

Furthermore a short summary of the key consultation comments made on the masterplanning and transport options is also available PDF (24 KB)

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