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How much are we recycling?

The Borough's current recycling rate is over 32% of all household waste sent for recycling or composting.

April 2015 to March 2016 - 32.94%

How are the figures worked out?

All waste and recyclable materials we collect are weighed at the emptying point. The amount of waste sent for recycling is calculated as a percentage of total waste collected, giving our recycling rate. This includes material collected in blue top kerbside recycling bins, garden waste sacks and the glass, textile and book banks.

Helpful tips

Recycling is not just the Council's responsibility - everyone has a role to play. We will deliver well-serviced facilities, at the kerbside and bring banks. Please use these facilities to recycle as much as possible. You can recycle all paper, card, cans, tins, aerosols and plastic bottles from home.

If you have any questions or comments, please telephone us 01329 236100 or email

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