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What if I disagree with the Council Tax Support decision?

When we have worked out how much Council Tax Support you are entitled to, we will write to you with the details. If you think any of the information we have used is wrong, or if you disagree with our decision, you can:

You should do this within one month of the date on your letter.

Statement of reasons

The statement of reasons will show more details about the decision that has been made and explain the reasons for it.

Internal review

If you are still unhappy with the decision, you can ask us to look at it again. You must request this within one month of the date on the original decision notice. Your case will be looked at again by a different Council Tax Support officer to see if it was correct. If it is determined that the original decision was incorrect, it will be amended and a letter will be sent to you to explain the new decision. If however, it is determined that the original decision was correct, a letter will be sent to you explaining the reasons and you can then appeal to the Valuation Tribunal Service.

Independent Tribunal

An appeal must be made in writing to the Valuation Tribunal Service.  The tribunal will only hear appeals about:

The tribunal cannot hear appeals about the contents of our local Council Tax Support scheme, only about the way the scheme has been applied to your individual case.

More information about Council Tax Support appeals can be found on the Valuation Tribunal Service website External Hyperlink - Opens in new tab


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