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Community Infrastructure Levy - Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule 'First Review'


The 'Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule' is the name given to the first stage in the setting of new CIL rates. The document has been produced as part of the Council's review of its current CIL Charging Schedule, which came into effect on 1 May 2013, and sets out:

The new proposed CIL rates are set at a level that are high enough to fund as much infrastructure as possible, but not so high as to make possible developments 'unviable' to developers.

Setting rates at a level that is 'viable' for developers will help ensure that the development set out in the Fareham Local Plan can be delivered as planned.  It will also help support long term economic growth in Fareham.

CIL Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule 'First Review' PDF (5 MB)
CIL Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule 'First Review' – Non Technical Summary PDF (86 KB)
CIL Viability Study (prepared by Peter Brett Associates) PDF (2 MB)
Fareham Borough Draft Infrastructure Delivery Plan (excluding Welborne) PDF (507 KB)
Welborne Infrastructure Delivery Plan 2014 (Stage 2 Update) PDF (969 KB)

The Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule (First Review) was approved for consultation at Executive on 2 June 2014. This consultation closed on 6 August 2014.

Current CIL Charging Schedule

The current CIL Charging Schedule and Regulation 123 List for the Borough of Fareham both commenced on 1 May 2013. All current CIL documentation for the Borough is available on our website.


Following consultation on the Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule in June - August 2014, the Council produced a Summary of Representations PDF (296 KB) and an indication as to how these will be taken into account in the development of a new CIL Charging Schedule.

Next steps

The Council are currently considering how to proceed with the review.

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