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Development Briefs

Development briefs are prepared to provide more detailed guidance on matters including interpretation of policy, the principles of design, layout and landscaping.

Various sites within the Borough are covered by development briefs, some of which date from the 1980s.

Consequently, the weight to be attached to any particular brief in the assessment and determination of a planning application will vary according to its age and continued relevance. Where appropriate, the Council will review briefs to reflect national and/or local policy changes.

The level of detail in development briefs varies according to the individual requirements of the site. Generally, briefs contain guidance as to the main applicable planning policies, a site appraisal, and the Council's view on the appropriate development and design principles, infrastructure requirements and likely means/timing of implementation.

The text is supported by maps and diagrams. They normally show the existing characteristics of the site and any features such as buildings, trees and open spaces to be retained. They may also indicate the Council's requirements regarding any proposed development, for example, in terms   of its access, layout, density, landscaping, open space and the design of buildings.

Some briefs include additional guidance on mix of house types, height of buildings and/or protection/management of important features.

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