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Statement of Community Involvement

The Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) is a document which sets out the standards that the Council will use to achieve meaningful consultation through engaging, informing and involving the community, consultees, stakeholders and other interested parties in (a) Local Plan preparation and (b) the consideration of planning applications..

The current Fareham Statement of Community Involvement was adopted in March 2017.

The current SCI was adopted in March 2017. Planning Practice Guidance states that the SCI must be reviewed every 5 years from adoption date. This would require the review of Fareham's SCI to take place by March 2022. Due to the changes in legislation and housing number requirement the Council has encountered, the Local Plan review has been a longer process than predicted and to ensure consistency regarding consultation throughout each stage of the process, the Council has continued to work using the existing Statement of Community Involvement. With submission of the Local Plan to the Planning Inspectorate taking place in September 2021, it is anticipated that the Local Plan examination will take place in the Winter/Spring of 2021/22. (This timetable is set by the Planning Inspectorate and not in the Council's control.) Once the plan has been through examination, the Council commit to reviewing the SCI at the first opportunity.

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