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Conservation areas

The character of the Borough's historic towns and villages has evolved slowly over time, resulting in areas of unique architectural and historic interest. The historic layout of streets and property boundaries, the architecture of the buildings, the use of traditional local building materials, the scale and arrangement of buildings, open spaces and trees all contribute to character. A historic area can be designated by a local authority as a conservation area to protect its character and appearance. In England more than 9000 have now been designated. Their character varies widely in size and type and can include the centre of historic towns and cities, rural villages, historic suburbs or country houses and their parkland. 

Fareham has 13 Conservation areas as listed below. Each of these hyperlinks will take you to a dedicated page complete with an overview of the Conservation Area, a PDF of its 'Character Assessment Document' and a site plan:

Effect of designation

We have a duty to consider which areas of the Borough should be designated as conservation areas and to prepare proposals to preserve or enhance them. When considering proposals for change, we must pay special attention to the need to preserve or enhance the area's character and appearance. We have included policies in our local plan to protect conservation areas. This does not mean development can never take place but it does mean that we must carefully consider the impact of any particular proposal and that harmful development will be resisted. Applicants are encouraged to discuss ideas for development proposals with planning officers and our conservation officer before submitting an application. Please follow the link for a guidance leaflet relating to conservation areas PDF (1022 KB).

Planning permission

Development for which planning permission is not required (including extensions and alterations) is more restricted within a conservation area. Please contact us if you are planning any work to find out if you need consent.


You may need conservation area consent to demolish buildings and structures in a conservation area. If you are planning to do this, please contact us to see if you do.


You must give us six weeks notice if you intend to carry out work to trees in a conservation area. It is an offence to cut down, top, lop, uproot or wilfully damage or destroy trees in a conservation area without doing so.

Conservation area character appraisal

We have adopted a character appraisal document for each of the 13 conservation areas.  They have been prepared in line with national guidance as evidence to support saved policies of the Fareham Borough local plan review (June 2000) - policies contained within Fareham local plan part 1: core strategy and the emerging policies of Fareham local plan part 2: development sites & policies. They will be treated as a material consideration when we determine planning applications. You can see Government guidance for conservation areas, which are designated heritage assets, in the national planning policy framework. We are updating our adopted documents to include a management strategy. The purpose of the documents is to:

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